Uzoma Iheoma Genevieve
2 min readJun 23, 2020
Pink water lily flower — Unsplash

Greatness. What exactly is it? Is it a perception of added value, an unachievable feat or a gold palette placed in the sight of men but within reach of a few?

Men as we are, different in actions and thoughts, so are our opinions about and definitions of greatness. To one, it interprets as fame but to another as affluence. Another group sees it as a positive attempt of any form directed towards humanity, another as a state of plausibility, recognition and deferential treatment. With these different perceptions, it is unavoidable that what appears excellent to one might not appeal as such to another.

As a result, this question arises, something to ponder on. Should what you define as greatness appeal to others, or should it be something that just you see as a great act? In my opinion, I feel it should stir up a sense of communal belief within others. Most great actions are seen as such because they appeal to others.

As Theodore Roosevelt, once said -”Great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but great actions speak to all mankind”. I believe that whatever makes you great is that which is different from the usually seen, this is because we are mostly remembered for our differences and not our similarities.

Actions taken differently tend to be significant and quickly pointed out, as is the case of red cloth amid white ones. Great works have the feature of singling out, and for something to be singled out, it must appear distinct from all other ordinary things.

I belong to the school of thought that views greatness as being driven by the desire to do extraordinary things, adding certain values on people’s lives that cannot be bought. In the journey to this feat, most things seem unachievable and as though they would never come by, but then the journey to greatness starts with changing what you can while you still can, this is driven by the need to make a difference and impact positively.

Therefore, it shouldn’t be enough to say I’m great! But an effort and commitment towards what you believe you are could do the trick.

Greatness is borne in the mind of many and voiced out in their wishes, all with their differing ideas about it, it always seems to lie within sight, but maybe a few things keep it accessible to just a few. To the very few that have achieved it, it becomes a more enormous task to remain in greatness than it was to achieve it.



Uzoma Iheoma Genevieve

I'm a story teller. Welcome to my space where I create fictional and non-fictional write-ups that are worthwhile.